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Improve Your "Stretchability" Video
Hi Fam! Now, I'll be honest here…stretching truly doesn't work if any of the following are true: - You're doing it wrong - You're doing...
Will 2021 be a rewind of 2020? YOU get to decide!
Hi Fam, Ah yes, a new year...2021. Or is it just a rewind of 2020? You get to decide. We all have hit the proverbial “wall” with...
Happy New Year 2021!
Hi Fam! I hope everyone had a great holiday season and is looking forward to the New Year. I don't believe in New Year's resolutions....
Holiday Strength Circuit Video
Finish the Year Feeling Mentally and Physically Strong Enjoying the holiday season doesn't mean everything "healthy" has to be put on...
Secrets of Staying Motivated
Hi Fam! Why is it, in December, with the holidays and the year’s end upon us do we (myself included) give up on our health and fitness...
Changing Your Perspective
Hi Fam! The amazing thing about perspective is that we can always CHANGE it. Especially when it’s a new way of approaching our health and...
Here We Go Again…Or Not?!
With the looming threat of a second wave of COVID-19 and ensuing shutdowns to follow, how will we respond…or not? Most, like the first...
Your Mindful Move #5: Side-Lying
Hi Fam! If you’re anything like me, you’re not moving as much as you would like. And that’s ok. This is where we are right now and might...
Our Relationship With Pain
It is my quest to help foster change in your relationship and behavior surrounding pain. And I'm determined alright. More pain equals...
Your Mindful Move #4: Knee to Chest 90/90
We’re all sitting and standing more these days. Either is not a problem. The issue is if that’s all we've got. Meaning your body can’t...
"It's Like I'm Falling Apart"
You're not. I'm not. But it feels like it, right? We all have these maladaptive beliefs - that pain equals damage. It doesn't. Pain can...
How Change Happens
I used to think of breathing as a way to work on people's posture. Actually, I tried to ram it down their throats. And your “bad” posture...
Your Mindful Move #3: Hip Lift vs Glute Bridge
Hi Fam! In this episode I make the distinction between a Hip Lift and a Glute Bridge. It's BIG! Waaay too often our lower back does the...
Your Mindful Move #2
Hi Fam! In this episode, we start building the “Stack." Think of it this way... the stack is our foundation for feeling good and moving...
According to "The Five Things We Cannot Change and the Happiness We Find Embracing Them," author David Richo lists the following: 1)...
Your Mindful Move #1
Hi fam! Welcome to the initial issue. My goal with this video series is to fold. I want to share activities that not only will help you...
I'm losing my mom as I write this. She's 94 years old. A full life indeed. We've had a contentious relationship these last 56 years...
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