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Longevity Smart Moves: DAY BREAKER!
Now 43 years into my personal fitness journey…I have learned a thing or two about what works and what doesn’t. And recently, I’ve updated...
No matter how active you are currently, it’s likely not enough to keep your body healthy, strong, and resilient…aka happy:) If you're...
It’s been my experience, that sustainable, real, life-changing results are not achieved with quick fixes, fads, or hacks. They are forged...
Longevity Smart Moves: STRONG Abs = STRONG Back
Let’s talk back pain. It’s been documented that up to 60-70% of people will experience some form of back pain in their lifetime. The...
Longevity Smart Moves: 2 BEST AB exercises YOU AREN’T doing…but SHOULD BE!
These two moves are not about developing a “six-pack” (it doesn’t happen that way anyway 😉). A “six-pack” is frankly a show muscle (a...
Longevity Smart Moves: Unlock YOUR HIPS!
Pain SUCKS. And getting old isn’t for the faint of heart. Hip and low back pain is something I keep hearing more and more about from my...
Longevity Smart Moves: Built to Last STRENGTH and CONDITIONING
Tis the season for goal setting! But we can’t change or reach a goal if we don’t have a goal:) And when we set a goal for ourselves it...
Longevity Smart Moves: USEFUL STRENGTH for Daily Life!
Welcome to 2022 fam! The MOST IMPORTANT question I ask a new client before my initial assessment is… “What’s your dream come true...
Longevity Smart Moves: NO EQUIPMENT Required!
This time of year, especially this year, is all about schedule, space, and making the most out of what you have when it comes to training...
Longevity Smart Moves: Get YOUR ANIMAL ON!
My schedule, like most, this time of year doesn’t allow for my usual training schedule. But moving and feeling better is all about...
Longevity Smart Moves: Superset YOUR Resets!
Let’s face it, sometimes doing our “RESETS” can be boring. I know it:) And the truth is I can’t force you to do them…it’s entirely up to...
Longevity Smart Moves: Hotel Muscle
This time of year usual routines tend to fall by the wayside. With more events, work things, travel…whatever else that might pop up....
Longevity Smart Moves: Body BOOST!
Feeling a little “BLAH” after the long holiday weekend? Need a BOOST? Then this short routine is just for YOU! It’s gonna improve your...
Longevity Smart Moves: Loosey-Goosey vs Super Tight Strength & Conditioning
An easy way to sabotage our health and fitness results is trying to be PERFECT…especially now, during the holidays. It goes something...
Longevity Smart Moves: Smart Strength and Conditioning
Cardio exercise (and its many variations) is arguably still the “king” of fitness within the minds of the general public. For many people...
Longevity Smart Moves: Six-Pack Abs
My focus is not on weight loss or physique…but both are pleasant “side-effects” of my training methods. Know that if you want to achieve...
Longevity Smart Moves: Strength Recovery Circuit
Recovery is a MUST no matter what your health and fitness goals are. Training…exercise…daily activity…and don’t forget AGE:)…will break...
Longevity Smart Move: The Squat
We’ve all heard it before when it comes to improving our health and longevity…”You just need to workout more!” Surely, it’s the “secret...
Longevity Breath and Recovery
How often does your mind wander off? Where does it go? Is it hard to refocus once you lose it? Most of us (myself included) spend a good...
VIDEO: Longevity Smart Strength Circuit
Sometimes we need to take a break from our “normal” training routine, for a variety of reasons…travel, holidays, etc. That usually means...
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